昨天幫我們用 Template Driven Forms 所撰寫的被保人表單寫完單元測試之後,今天則是要來為它寫整合測試。
整合測試的測試目標是要測是兩個 或是兩個以上 的類別之間的互動 是否符合我們的預期。
實作開始 首先我們先增加一個 Integration testing
的區塊,有關於整合測試的程式碼接下來都會放在這裡面,至於昨天的就放在 Unit testing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 describe('TemplateDrivenFormsAsyncInsuredComponent' , () => { describe('Unit testing' , () => { }); describe('Integration testing' , () => { }); });
跟之前樣先打開 .html
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 <form > <fieldset *ngFor ="let insured of insuredList; let index = index; trackBy: trackByIndex" > <legend > 被保人</legend > <p > <label [for ]="'name-' + index" > 姓名:</label > <input type ="text" [name ]="'name-' + index" [id ]="'name-' + index" required maxlength ="10" minlength ="2" #nameNgModel ="ngModel" [ngModel ]="insured.name" (ngModelChange )="insuredNameChange(nameNgModel.control, insured)" /> <span class ="error-message" > {{ insured.nameErrorMessage }}</span > </p > <p > 性別: <input type ="radio" [name ]="'gender-' + index" [id ]="'male-' + index" value ="male" required [(ngModel )]="insured.gender" > <label [for ]="'male-' + index" > 男</label > <input type ="radio" [name ]="'gender-' + index" [id ]="'female-' + index" value ="female" required [(ngModel )]="insured.gender" > <label [for ]="'female-' + index" > 女</label > </p > <p > <label [for ]="'age-' + index" > 年齡:</label > <select [name ]="'age-' + index" [id ]="'age-' + index" required #ageNgModel ="ngModel" [ngModel ]="insured.age" (ngModelChange )="insuredAgeChange(ageNgModel.control, insured)" > <option value ="" > 請選擇</option > <option value ="18" > 18歲</option > <option value ="20" > 20歲</option > <option value ="70" > 70歲</option > <option value ="75" > 75歲</option > </select > <span class ="error-message" > {{ insured.ageErrorMessage }}</span > </p > <p > <button type ="button" (click )="deleteInsured(index)" > 刪除</button > </p > </fieldset > <p > <button type ="button" (click )="addInsured()" > 新增被保險人</button > <button type ="submit" [disabled ]="isFormInvalid" > 送出</button > </p > </form >
屬性 type
的值要是 text
屬性 name
的值要是 name-N
屬性 minlength
的值要是 2
屬性 maxlength
的值要是 10
要有屬性 required
要將被保人的屬性 name
此欄位的值如果有變動,要能觸發函式 insuredNameChange
屬性 type
的值要是 radio
屬性 name
的值要是 gender-N
要有屬性 required
要將被保人的屬性 gender
屬性 name
的值要是 age-N
要有屬性 required
要將被保人的屬性 age
此欄位的值如果有變動,要能觸發函式 insuredAgeChange
要將被保人的的屬性 nameErrorMessage
要將被保人的的屬性 ageErrorMessage
屬性 type
的值要是 submit
當所有的被保人資料皆正確時,按下送出按鈕要能觸發函式 submit
再次跟大家說明,雖然上面這些項目有些其實並不真的屬於整合測試 的範圍,但我個人會在這時候一起測,因為這樣可以省下一些重複的程式碼。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 describe('Integration testing' , () => { let compiledComponent: HTMLElement; beforeEach(() => { fixture.detectChanges(); compiledComponent = fixture.nativeElement; }); });
姓名欄位的驗證 複習一下姓名欄位的驗證項目:
屬性 type
的值要是 text
屬性 name
的值要是 name-N
屬性 minlength
的值要是 2
屬性 maxlength
的值要是 10
要有屬性 required
要將被保人的屬性 name
此欄位的值如果有變動,要能觸發函式 insuredNameChange
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 describe('the insured fields' , () => { beforeEach(() => { component.insuredList = [{ name: '' , gender: '' , age: '' , nameErrorMessage: '' , ageErrorMessage: '' }]; fixture.detectChanges(); }); describe('the name input field' , () => { const key = 'name-0' let nameInputElement: HTMLInputElement; beforeEach(() => { nameInputElement = compiledComponent.querySelector(`#${key} ` )!; }); it('should have attribute "type" and the value is "text"' , () => { const attributeName = 'type' ; const attributeValue = 'text' ; expect(nameInputElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "name" and the value is "name-0"' , () => { const attributeName = 'ng-reflect-name' ; const attributeValue = key; expect(nameInputElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "minlength" and the value is "2"' , () => { const attributeName = 'minlength' ; const attributeValue = '2' ; expect(nameInputElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "maxlength" and the value is "10"' , () => { const attributeName = 'maxlength' ; const attributeValue = '10' ; expect(nameInputElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "required"' , () => { const attributeName = 'required' ; expect(nameInputElement.hasAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(true ); }); it('should binding the value of the insured\'s property "name"' , () => { const name = 'whatever' ; component.insuredList[0 ].name = name; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(nameInputElement.getAttribute('ng-reflect-model' )).toBe(name); }); it('should trigger function "insuredNameChange" when the value be changed' , () => { spyOn(component, 'insuredNameChange' ); const nameFormControl = component.nameNgModelRefList.get(0 )!.control; nameInputElement.value = 'whatever' ; nameInputElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('ngModelChange' )); expect(component.insuredNameChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(nameFormControl, component.insuredList[0 ]); }); }); });
為了之後測其他欄位,我多新增了一個 test insured fields
的 describe
。這是因為要驗證這些欄位之前,一定要先讓被保人的表單長出來,所我才會多包一層,並把大家都會做的事情拉到這層的 beforeEach
should have attribute "name" and the value is "name-0"
這個測試案例要記得我們在 Template 綁定時是用 [name]
的方式綁定,所以在驗證的時候是抓 ng-reflect-name
,如果單純抓 name
should trigger function "insuredNameChange" when the value be changed
最後這個測試案例比較特別,不知道大家還記不記得上次寫這裡的時候,我有介紹過關於 Spy 的事情與怎麼用 @ViewChild
抓 Template 中的 nameFormControl
如果不記得的話,趕快回去第七天的文章 複習一下!
上次用的 @ViewChild
答案是 ─ @ViewChildren
有沒有一種寫 Angular 還可以學英文的感覺?
只要我們像這樣在程式碼中加上這個 Angular 的裝飾器:
1 2 3 4 export class TemplateDrivenFormsAsyncInsuredComponent { @ViewChildren ('nameNgModel' ) nameNgModelRefList!: QueryList<NgModel>; }
Angular 就會在每次渲染完畫面之後,幫我們抓取有在 HTML 的屬性中加上 #nameNgModel
的所有元素,而抓出來的元素會用 Angular 所包裝的類別 ─ QueryList
性別欄位的驗證 性別欄位的驗證項目如下:
屬性 type
的值要是 radio
屬性 name
的值要是 male-N
屬性 value
的值要是 male
要有屬性 required
要將被保人的屬性 gender
屬性 type
的值要是 radio
屬性 name
的值要是 female-N
屬性 value
的值要是 female
要有屬性 required
要將被保人的屬性 gender
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 describe('the gender radio buttons' , () => { let radioButtonElement: HTMLInputElement; describe('male' , () => { beforeEach(() => { radioButtonElement = compiledComponent.querySelector(`#male-0` )!; }); it('should have attribute "type" and the value is "radio"' , () => { const attributeName = 'type' ; const attributeValue = 'radio' ; expect(radioButtonElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "name" and the value is "gender-0"' , () => { const attributeName = 'ng-reflect-name' ; const attributeValue = 'gender-0' ; expect(radioButtonElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "value" and the value is "male"' , () => { const attributeName = 'value' ; const attributeValue = 'male' ; expect(radioButtonElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "required"' , () => { const attributeName = 'required' ; expect(radioButtonElement.hasAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(true ); }); it('should binding the value of the insured\'s property "gender"' , () => { const gender = 'male' ; component.insuredList[0 ].gender = gender; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(radioButtonElement.getAttribute('ng-reflect-model' )).toBe(gender); }); }); describe('female' , () => { beforeEach(() => { radioButtonElement = compiledComponent.querySelector(`#female-0` )!; }); it('should have attribute "type" and the value is "radio"' , () => { const attributeName = 'type' ; const attributeValue = 'radio' ; expect(radioButtonElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "name" and the value is "gender-0"' , () => { const attributeName = 'ng-reflect-name' ; const attributeValue = 'gender-0' ; expect(radioButtonElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "value" and the value is "female"' , () => { const attributeName = 'value' ; const attributeValue = 'female' ; expect(radioButtonElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "required"' , () => { const attributeName = 'required' ; expect(radioButtonElement.hasAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(true ); }); it('should binding the value of the insured\'s property "gender"' , () => { const gender = 'female' ; component.insuredList[0 ].gender = gender; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(radioButtonElement.getAttribute('ng-reflect-model' )).toBe(gender); }); }); });
這邊的測試雖然簡單,但我還是遇到了一個問題:「怎麼驗雙向綁定裡,關於 ngModelChange
我的預期是我點擊了某個性別的單選鈕之後,它會把值指定給被保人的 gender
年齡欄位的驗證 年齡欄位的驗證項目如下:
屬性 name
的值要是 age-N
要有屬性 required
要將被保人的屬性 age
此欄位的值如果有變動,要能觸發函式 insuredAgeChange
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 describe('the age field' , () => { const key = 'age-0' let ageSelectElement: HTMLSelectElement; beforeEach(() => { ageSelectElement = compiledComponent.querySelector(`#${key} ` )!; }); it('should have attribute "name" and the value is "age-0"' , () => { const attributeName = 'ng-reflect-name' ; const attributeValue = key; expect(ageSelectElement.getAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(attributeValue); }); it('should have attribute "required"' , () => { const attributeName = 'required' ; expect(ageSelectElement.hasAttribute(attributeName)).toBe(true ); }); it('should binding the value of the insured\'s property "age"' , () => { const age = '18' ; component.insuredList[0 ].age = age; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(ageSelectElement.getAttribute('ng-reflect-model' )).toBe(age); }); it('should trigger function "insuredAgeChange" when the value be changed' , () => { spyOn(component, 'insuredAgeChange' ); const ageNgModel = component.ageNgModelRefList.get(0 )!; ageSelectElement.value = '18' ; ageSelectElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('ngModelChange' )); expect(component.insuredAgeChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ageNgModel.value, ageNgModel.errors, component.insuredList[0 ]); }); });
年齡欄位的驗證跟姓名的驗證有 87% 像,複製過來再稍微調整一下即可。
錯誤訊息的驗證 錯誤訊息要驗證的項目是:
要將被保人的屬性 nameErrorMessage
要將被保人的屬性 ageErrorMessage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 describe('Error Messages' , () => { it('should binding the value of the insured\'s property "nameErrorMessage" in the template' , () => { const insured = component.insuredList[0 ]; const errorMessage = 'account error' ; const targetElement = compiledComponent.querySelector('#name-0 + .error-message' ); insured.nameErrorMessage = errorMessage; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(targetElement?.textContent).toBe(errorMessage); }); it('should binding the value of the insured\'s property "ageErrorMessage" in the template' , () => { const insured = component.insuredList[0 ]; const errorMessage = 'password error' ; const targetElement = compiledComponent.querySelector('#age-0 + .error-message' ); insured.ageErrorMessage = errorMessage; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(targetElement?.textContent).toBe(errorMessage); }); });
刪除按鈕的驗證 刪除被保人按鈕要驗證的是:按下按鈕要能觸發函式 deleteInsured
。這部份大家只要使用 Spy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 describe('Delete insured button' , () => { it('should trigger function `deleteInsured` after being clicked' , () => { const index = 0 ; const deleteButtonElement = compiledComponent.querySelector('fieldset button[type="button"]' ) as HTMLElement; spyOn(component, 'deleteInsured' ); deleteButtonElement.click(); expect(component.deleteInsured).toHaveBeenCalledWith(index); }); });
新增被保人按鈕的驗證 新增被保人按鈕要驗證的是:按下按鈕要能觸發函式 addInsured
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 describe('add insured button' , () => { it('should trigger function `addInsured` after being clicked' , () => { const addButtonElement = compiledComponent.querySelector('p:last-child button[type="button"]' ) as HTMLElement; spyOn(component, 'addInsured' ); addButtonElement.click(); expect(component.addInsured).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });
送出按鈕的驗證 最後,送出按鈕要驗證的項目是:
屬性 type
的值要是 submit
當所有的被保人資料皆正確時,按下送出按鈕要能觸發函式 submit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 describe('submit button' , () => { let buttonElement: HTMLButtonElement; beforeEach(() => { buttonElement = compiledComponent.querySelector('button[type="submit"]' ) as HTMLButtonElement; }); it('should be existing' , () => { expect(buttonElement).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should be disabled when "insuredList" is empty array' , () => { expect(buttonElement.hasAttribute('disabled' )).toBe(true ); }); it('should be disabled when there ara any verifying errors that insured\'s data' , () => { component.insuredList = [{ name: 'A' , gender: '' , age: '' , nameErrorMessage: '' , ageErrorMessage: '' }]; compiledComponent.querySelector('button[type="submit"]' ) fixture.detectChanges(); expect(buttonElement.hasAttribute('disabled' )).toBe(true ); }) it('should be enabled when there ara any verifying errors that insured\'s data' , () => { component.insuredList = [{ name: 'Leo' , gender: 'male' , age: '18' , nameErrorMessage: '' , ageErrorMessage: '' }]; fixture.detectChanges(); expect(buttonElement.hasAttribute('disabled' )).toBe(false ); }) });
咦?怎麼會有 Error 咧?原來這個問題跟上次我們寫登入表單的整合測試所遇到的情況一樣。
所以我們目前先在這個案例的 it
的前面加上一個 x
,代表我們要 ignore
1 2 3 xit('should be disabled when there ara any verifying errors that insured\'s data' , () => { })
本日小結 其實今天用所有用到的測試手法與概念都在之前的的文章就已經分享過了,今天主要是讓大家練習,提昇撰寫測試的熟悉度。
明天我們要為用 Reactive Forms 所撰寫的被保人表單來撰寫單元測試,我覺得大家可以在看我的文章之前先自己寫寫看,之後再參考我的文章,一定會有更多的收穫!
今天的實作程式碼會放在 Github - Branch: day13 供大家參考,建議大家在看我的實作之前,先按照需求規格自己做一遍,之後再跟我的對照,看看自己的實作跟我的實作不同的地方在哪裡、有什麼好處與壞處,如此反覆咀嚼消化後,我相信你一定可以進步地非常快!